World's Most Immutable Storage

Store critical files on the most secure and established blockchains like Bitcoin and Ethereum.

Get Started

One payment for eternal storage. No digital wallet needed.

Your files stored safely and securely in the top 3 blockchains, indefinitely

Stakes on a Chain allows you to store private files on-chain with secure encryption, or publicly stake a claim by publishing unencrypted files.


Write History

Massive adoption and economic activity make blockchains like Bitcoin and Ethereum far more likely to survive and thrive into the distant future than other decentralized networks, making them ideal for storing data publicly and permanently.

Publish scientific papers, patents, trademarks, news, historic documents and images, NFT assets, art, messages, personal or family photos, or any public record.


Post-Quantum Security

Encrypt files in one click before uploading, so only you can view your on-chain file. Share files securely with Kyber, the new NIST standard for post-quantum encryption. A dual-layer security system is created that provides immediate, reliable data protection, and future-proofs against emerging quantum computing threats.

We offer multiple encryption options, providing greater security for file sharing than most major platforms.

Protect IP, create immutable records of critical documents, satisfy regulatory compliance, and more.

More secure, permanent, and reliable than any other decentralized storage.

Node risk is a common issue which plagues decentralized networks by making files unavailable, often for days at a time. Stakes on a Chain embeds files on-chain in transaction data. This means files will always be immediately available.

File data is also backed up off-chain by block explorers for additional redundancy, eliminating node risk.

Just Say No To Node Risk

We have no token to promote, so we can focus on providing the world's most immutable storage.

blockchain tokens

Your file's survival doesn't rely on the success of volatile speculative tokens with tiny market caps, or questionable tokenomics.

The problems with our competitors:

bike pump

Most seem focused on pumping up token prices, while ignoring core issues.

bike pump

Survivability of some networks depends on unnamed future advances in technology to lower transaction fees.

bike pump

Some have crashed in token value and may not survive further price drops, leading to irreversible data loss.

We don't depend on incentive structures, future tech advancements, or token-based endowment funds to ensure permanent data security and availability.

cuneiform tablet

Beyond Immutable

Tech titans offer "Immutable Storage" services, but they fall under a single point of control and trust.

True immutability must be part of a trustless system where no single party has control.

Bitcoin's Proof of Work and Ethereum's Proof of Stake provide unparalleled security from hacks. We believe combining this with massively decentralized networks, with no single point of control or trust, makes our storage environment more secure than what the titans offer as "Immutable."

One Payment for
Eternal Storage

Storing on the top blockchains means your file is in the most secure place it can possibly be, where it can never be edited or removed.

Zero ongoing costs mean you never have to worry about losing your file over billing issues.

Simple and Easy

Pay with a regular credit or debit card, no digital wallet or tokens required.

No need to create an account or set a password.

Once your file is on the blockchain, you can access it free anytime without a wallet.

Don't Let Critical Files Disappear

Images, documents, code, PDFs, audio or video files.
If you need the highest level of security, or the greatest chance your file will persist into the distant future, nothing else comes close.

books connected on a blockchain network

A New Library of Alexandria

When the Library of Alexandria fell, humanity went into the dark ages for 1,500 years. Much knowledge was likely lost forever. Publishing to top blockchains is the best way to ensure future generations will be able to access humanity's historic record.

Once you upload a file, it can never be edited or deleted.

Popular Categories

financial records stored on chain


financial records stored on chain


financial records stored on chain


financial records stored on chain


financial records stored on chain

& Trademarks

financial records stored on chain

& Business Records

Tech IP and code filesArt and Entertainment IPNFT filesRegulatory compliance filesProperty and Government recordsCertificates of AuthenticityProvenance and Chain of Custody

Top Industries

financial records stored on chain

Banking & Finance

financial records stored on chain

Government Agencies

financial records stored on chain

Legal Industry

financial records stored on chain


Supply Chain and LogisticsTechnologyEntertainmentReal EstateUniversities and Research institutions

How it Works

Fill out form
and get price.

Make payment
and upload file.

Receive transaction ID.
Access file on-chain anytime.


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